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Assignment 2 Analysis of a Frame

Assignment 2 Analysis of a Frame

Q Assignment #2: Analysis of a Frame Study the three still frames from movies. If you have seen any of the films, you may have a slight advantage in answering some of the following prompts. Using the Mise en Scène 15 element analysis below, please list a response to all of the 15 elements, and be as detailed as you can. Then please, sum up with a narrative of the shot, in other words, what story do you think the shot is attempting to tell us. Include all of the compositional elements you think the director has incorporated that are enhancing the shot or that tell the audience more about the scene. Consider of the characters' relational position and body language, the surroundings in reference to the characters, the lighting, color and camera angle and distance. Why were these elements chosen?

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The Shawshank Redemption 1. The eye is attracted towards the man who is walking and this is because of the way his image is captured in the silhouette. 2. Combination of high key and low key. 3. The camera is not very far from the action. 4. The camera is at the neutral level. In the eye level of the subject. 5. The dominant color is grayscale. 6. The items which are far away are a bit distorted